Divorce & Family Law


Divorce can be one of the most difficult things that you will ever encounter. When a marriage fails you are often faced with anxiety, uncertainty, and stress.

If you have decided that a divorce is the necessary path for you, understanding the legal processes of divorce and family law is extremely important. There are several different routes which can be taken in New Jersey:


Uncontested DivorceIf you are separating, but are still on good terms with your spouse, you may be able to obtain an uncontested divorce. This process is considered to be the most amicable, stress-free and cost-efficient way to dissolve a marriage.

Contested DivorceIf you and your spouse are not on good speaking terms, then you may have to terminate your marriage through litigation.  However, even when going forward with a contested divorce, there are still many ways to resolve your differences and reach a fair agreement.

Alternative Dispute ResolutionAlternative Dispute Resolution is a way of resolving your legal differences in a non-litigious way. This may include mediation, collaborative divorce or arbitration. A good thing about the alternative dispute resolution process is that it enables you to speed up the dissolution process. in a more casual environment than court. This is often preferred over leaving decisions up to a judge’s discretion.

Divorce Mediation This is a type of divorce mediation which allows both you and your spouse to enter into civil discussions with a mediator in a confidential setting. It is a non-binding process and allows both parties to remain in full control of the process. 

Collaborative Divorce – The collaborative divorce process attempts to enable the parties to reach a win-win settlement, benefitting both spouses and their children. Specially trained collaborative divorce attorneys and other appropriate professionals work together to maximize the likelihood of reaching a positive outcome.

Legal Separation – If you are still not sure if getting divorced is right for your situation, you may be interested in finding out about New Jersey Legal Separation, and Divorce from Bed & Board. New Jersey married couples can get a divorce from bed and board on the same grounds as a full divorce; however, regardless of the grounds, both parties must consent to the procedure. Couples who go through divorce from bed and board remain technically married. A temporary separation agreement can address short-term financial and parenting arrangements, and without filing court papers. 

Annulment of Marriage – If you were married in the state of New Jersey, there are a few circumstances where a marriage may be eligible for annulment. Although marital property rules do not apply in this state when a marriage is annulled, NJ courts are allowed to award alimony in appropriate cases. Decisions regarding child custody and support can also be affected whether a marriage ends through  divorce or an annulment.

Our Divorce and Family Law Attorneys are skilled Morris County lawyers that are prepared to handle all aspects of a matrimonial dispute. Whether you face a divorce, custody or child support issues, or want to relocate after a marriage fails, The Law Firm of Chiarolanza, DeAngelis, and DiGiacomo, is here to help you through this trying time.

Conveniently located in downtown Madison New Jersey, our attorneys have proudly handled all aspects of divorce and family law in Morris County and the surrounding counties. We pride ourselves on personal attention to each client and taking the time to provide counsel to you through this often emotional process.

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